医学同位素研究中心自2006年和2007年在美国第53届和54届核医学年会上报告他们的研究工作之后,在今年即将举行的第55届核医学年会上获得大丰收,他们投稿的7篇会议论文全部被接收为大会口头报告,其中王凡教授的博士研究生刘昭飞同学凭借论文“Analyzing the recognition sites of RGD peptides on U87MG glioma cells using a competition binding method”已经获得了2008年Berson-Yalow奖。
在刘昭飞同学的获奖通知上写到“The objective of the Berson-Yalow Award is to honor investigators who submit the most original scientific abstracts and make the most significant contributions to basic or clinical radioassay.”另外,贾兵副研究员的论文“g imaging of 111In-labeled monoclonal antibody 3H11 in colon cancer animal model”入选“Radiopharmaceutical Sciences Council Young Investigator Award Symposium”。这是我国年轻放射性药物研究人员首次进入这一奖项的角逐。
该研究中心其它5篇会议摘要为:“Preparation and evaluation of a bifunctional molecular probe for MR and nuclear imaging”,“γ imaging of colon cancer in animal model using a novel engineered anti-CEA single chain Fv fragment”,“111In/90Y-labeled humanized anti-integrin αvβ3 monoclonal antibody MEDI-522: preliminary evaluation for radioimmunotherapy”,“In vitro and in vivo tumor targeting properties of 177Lu-labeled anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody LA22”和“Multiple-tumor binding specificity and high tumor uptake of monoclonal antibody 3H11”。